Haunted Scarehouse App is Broadcasting Live on your Smartphone on the Haunted Attractions App powered with Speed by Chuck Mound on the Entertainment Network App.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Hayden Family of Wharton
Wharton, NJ -- The Hayden Family of Wharton Story is broadcasting live on the Haunt Hunters App powered with Speed by Chuck Mound with the App Broadcasting Company. This broadcast can be received on your smartphone, but it can be lived at the Haunted Scarehouse located on Dewey Ave in Wharton , NJ. Use your GMC built in Navigation system driven by Jim Salerno of Randolph that will take you directly to the Haunt, The Story of the Hayden Family is really quite sketchy and the Haunt Hunters are looking to uncover more about the story that dates back to the early 1970's. Before the Industrial park was even an idea, Wharton, New Jersey was mostly farmland. West Dewey Ave was occupied by the Hayden Family, who really seem to keep to themselves. Tapp the App at Haunt Hunters App to bring all of the Hayden Family legends to your Smartphone as an App. " I have been doing a lot of research to try and find some more information on the Hayden Family"Say Mr Haunt, the Head of the Haunt Hunters "I will do my best to bring to surface the complete story".